Lewis and Clark Interpretive Center and Betty Strong Encounter Center and the First Tee of Siouxland announce a BIG Golf Ball Drop fundraiser, which will be held on Sunday, October 6, 2024, at the Lewis and Clark Interpretive Center.
You might be asking “What is a golf ball drop?” Picture individually numbered golf balls dropped from the top of a lift. The golf ball that lands closest to the pin takes home the grand prize of $1500. Second place is $500, and third prize is $250.
Buy your chance today for only $10 bucks each! Tickets are available at the Lewis and Clark Interpretive Center and soon at various golf courses. NEED NOT BE PRESENT TO WIN.
Don’t miss your chance!! Come get yours NOW! For more information call 712-224-5242. Find the Center at www.siouxcitylcic.com or www.facebook.com/sclandc