The Center announces a three-day extravaganza that is sure to offer something for everyone, as it celebrates its fourth annual Sgt. Floyd Weekend from Aug. 18-20.
The weekend of free, family-friendly events commemorates the anniversary of the Corps of Discovery’s stay in Siouxland and the death of Sgt. Charles Floyd. The festivities will run in conjunction with the Sgt. Floyd River Boat and Welcome Center’s encampment weekend.
On Friday, Aug. 18, from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m., the weekend will kick off with a rousing performance by the Shamrock Band. The group will perform toe-tapping Irish music on the Center’s outdoor stage, the Spirit of Discovery. During the performance, Lovie’s BBQ food truck will be on site with barbecue available for purchase. Attendees can look forward to an unforgettable evening under the open sky, and are encouraged to bring family, friends and a blanket or lawn chairs.
On Saturday, Aug. 19, the Center offers its guests:
- 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.: Richard Dreibelis will hold a Dutch oven cooking demonstration on the Center’s campus. Free food samples will be available starting around noon and will continue for as long as supplies last.
- Noon to 2:00 p.m.: Andrew Roelfs will lead an adult and youth archery demonstration on the Center’s campus.
On Sunday, Aug. 20, the fun continues with:
- 12:30 to 1:30 p.m.: Visitors will have a unique opportunity to delve into the rich history of American sports with Tom Melville, an esteemed cricket player as he presents his tutorial program, “Play Ball! The 1803 Way.”
- 1:00 to 3:00 p.m.: Shriners clowns will be on the Center’s campus to entertain the kids by creating fun, amazing shapes out of balloons.
- 1:00 to 4:00 p.m.: The Northwest Iowa Woodcarvers will be onsite to showcase their extraordinary talents and unique woodcarvings.
- 2:00 to 3:00 p.m.: Acoustic guitar and vocal duo Buck ’n Bill will present “Old Nebraska Way to the State of I-O-Way,” an eclectic mix of country, folk, and blues in the Betty Strong Encounter Center’s auditorium.

All events hosted by the Center are provided for free.
Offsite events happening in conjunction with those taking place at the Center include the following two on Saturday, August 19:
- From 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.: The Sgt. Floyd Tri-State Chapter and Hawkeye Rifle and Pistol Club (HRPC) will host a black powder muzzle-loader shootout at HRPC’s outdoor shooting range at 2240 Allison Ave. in Sgt. Bluff. This event celebrates the rich history of our region and offers a fun-filled day of competitive shooting. Interested parties may contact Dan Whitlock at
- At 6:00 p.m.: The Sgt. Floyd honor guard will commemorate the life and death of Sgt. Charles Floyd, the only member of the Corps of Discovery to die during Lewis and Clark’s expedition, by reenacting his burial. This event will take place at Sgt. Floyd Monument, 2601 S. Lewis Boulevard in Sioux City. Guests are advised to arrive on time and bring lawn chairs.