Put your gifts to work enriching the lives of others
The good you do comes back to you

The Center has two primary venues through which we deploy entertainment: our outdoor Spirit of Discovery stage and our indoor Stanley Evans Auditorium in the Betty Strong Encounter Center. We are always looking for new performers who can help us draw in new audiences. If you act, dance, sing, tell jokes, play an instrument, perform magic tricks or provide another type of family entertainment, we’d love to have you consider sharing your talents with our guests!

The Center offers historical and cultural lectures on all kinds of topics. If you have an area of expertise that may be of interest to our audiences, we’d love to hear about it! We have the space and equipment to help you tell your stories in the most engaging ways, including audio, video and slide presentations, among other means.

The Center deploys around 100 classes and activities per year to kids from Kindergarten to 6th Grade, and we’re open to expanding that programming to different age groups. We welcome guest instructors and will help you publicize your offering, whether it be on gardening, woodworking, yarn work, baking or any other hobby, skill or area of expertise you may have that others may like to know more about.