A new exhibit in our Main Gallery will feature the photography of the Loess Hills Audubon Society members and friends/contributor: Carey Anderson, Mark Haindfield, Ed & Karlene Hohenstein, Bill Huser, Marla & Kevin Kerr, Jerry Mennenga, Jan Null, Jon Nylen, Don Poggensee, Rex Rundquist, Rob Towler, Todd Wheelock, and Randall Williams. The exhibit runs through February 23.
Birding was a popular pastime in the Sioux City area in the early 1900’s when the Sioux City Bird Club (SCBC) was organized in 1913. When the SCBC ceased operating as a birding organization, there continued to be a group of people interested in birding, which led to the organization of the Sioux City Chapter of the National Audubon Society. The Sioux City Chapter of the Audubon Society became the Loess Hills Audubon Society (LHAS) when the chapter was officially incorporated by the Secretary of State of Iowa on June 1, 1984. The Loess Hills Audubon Society generally meets on the first Thursday of the month, from September through May, with chapter outings to the best birding locations within Siouxland taking place every month. For more information, please see: https://www.loesshillsaudubonsociety.org