The Lewis and Clark Interpretive Center announces that it will launch several new youth programs in 2024, leading with an official launch party in February. Details about the programs follow.
Percy’s Pals
Grades K-2 and 3-5
Students will be split into two groups, K-2nd Grade and 3rd to 5th Grade. Each group will meet once a month to go on scientific adventures inspired by the Lewis and Clark Expedition. Kids can expect to make candles, record plant and animal varieties and use a compass and the stars to navigate. This class has an adorable mascot, Percy the Pelican, a scrap metal statue created by Dale Lewis, that resides on our campus.

Growers’ Academy
Grades 4-8
Funded by CF Industries, this new program will allow area students to learn the skill of producing their own food. Instruction will focus on topics such as sustainable agricultural practices, nutrition, and community responsibility. Produce raised by the Growers’ Academy will be free and available to the community throughout the harvest season. At the end of the growing season, students and representatives from CF Industries will celebrate with a graduation ceremony and picnic, highlighting foods raised by the Growers’ Academy.
Lewis and Clark Kids’ Club
Grades 6-8
Kids’ Club is a youth travel club for Middle School students. The Center will provide supervision and transportation for a series of out-of-town adventures designed to enhance students’ cultural awareness and encourage a love of the humanities. This group incorporates the spirit of The Corps of Discovery’s engagement in new cultural experiences. Day trips in this series may include the Arbor Day Farm, Mitchell Prehistoric Village, and the Planetarium at Wayne State College.

Young Historians
Grades 9-12
This group, designed for High School students, will teach the science of historiography and develop students’ understanding of public history. Students will engage in researching, writing, and presenting history using the latest trends in historiographic methods. We are partnering with the National History Day organization so students may earn a chance to present their work in Washington, D.C.
Family Camp
All Ages
The Lewis and Clark Interpretive Center will periodically host Family Camp events, where families can engage in some fun and educational activities together. We encourage those attending to include their extended families, as well! Activities may include game nights, ice cream socials, camp outs, or nature walks.

Says the Center’s Education Coordinator, Amanada Gibson, “We’re very pleased to offer such a wide array of free activities to Siouxland’s youth. Considering the scope of our offerings, we hope to recruit volunteers who have experience working with youth.”
Persons interested in volunteering to help with the Center’s 2024 youth programming should call Gibson at 712/224-5242.